USEWOD 2014: Building a Web Observatory for research on LOD usage
The USEWOD workshop series has created and maintained a forum for researchers to investigate the synergy between the Web of Data and Web usage mining. This involves the analysis of semantic data usage but also the exploitation of Semantic Web technologies to advance usage mining approaches in general. Among other things, USEWOD hosts what has become the reference data set for research on query logs of Linked Data endpoints.
This 4th edition of USEWOD will focus on this as a special theme: building a USEWOD Web Observatory to track the distribution of research based on the USEWOD data set. Web Observatories study a global network of heterogeneous data repositories, each observing and analysing the activity on the Web across a range of topics. Of course, the USEWOD data set has been extended again and a data challenge offered.
We invite submissions on this theme (and other topics pertinent to USEWOD), and in addition to paper presentations, the workshop will host a live crowdsourcing activity to collect the provenance metadata that finally brings together the root data set and as many publications that refer to it as possible. A keynote presentation will complement the contributed presentations and the crowdsourcing activity.
09:30 - 09:45 | USEWOD 2014 - Welcome address | Bettina Berendt and Markus Luczak-Roesch |
09:45 - 10:45 | The Lonesome LOD Cloud - | Ruben Verborgh |
10:45 - 11:15 | Coffee break | |
11:15 - 11:45 | Get All, Filter Details - On the Use of Regular Expressions in SPARQL Queries | Saud Aljaloud, Markus Luczak-Roesch, Tim Chown and Nicholas Gibbins |
11:45 - 12:15 | Man vs. Machine: Differences in SPARQL Queries | Laurens Rietveld and Rinke Hoekstra |
12:15 - 12:45 | Research Data Forensics: Introduction to the USEWOD Crowdsourcing Activity | Markus Luczak-Roesch and Laura Dragan |
12:45 - 13:15 | USEWOD Crowdsourcing Activity I: Participants Set-Up | all workshop participants |
13:15 - 14:30 | Lunch break | |
14:30 - 15:30 | A brief introduction to crowdsourced data collection | Elena Simperl |
15:30 - 16:00 | USEWOD Crowdsourcing Activity II: Data collection via crowdsourcing (research datasets and publications) | all workshop participants |
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee break | |
16:30 - 17:00 | USEWOD Crowdsourcing Activity III: Data collection via crowdsourcing (interlinking) | all workshop participants |
17:00 - 17:30 | Discussion, wrap-up, and closing remarks | moderators: Bettina Berendt and Markus Luczak-Roesch |
Important dates
extended: March 21st, 2014 (full papers), March 28th (dataset papers) Submission
April 7th, 2014 Acceptance
April 15th, 2014 Camera
May 25th, 2014 Workshop
Workshop Chairs (alphabetically)
Bettina Berendt, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Laura Hollink, VU Amsterdam,
Markus Luczak-Roesch,
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Programme committee
Chris Bizer (University of Mannheim, DE)
Pasquale De Meo (VU University Amsterdam, NL)
Stefan Dietze (L3S Research Center, DE)
Hyvönen Eero (University of Helsinki, FI)
Paul Groth (VU University Amsterdam, NL)
Christophe Guéret (Data Archiving and Networked Services, NL)
Geert-Jan Houben (Delft University of Technology, NL)
Efstratios Kontopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR)
Agnieszka Lawrynowicz (Poznan University of Technology, PL)
Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Knud Hinnerk Möller (Datalysator, DE)
Johan Oomen (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, NL)
Markus Strohmaier (Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, DE)
Arjen de Vries (Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, NL)